Telegram Desktop 1.4.2 Released

Recently a newer version of Telegram Desktop has been released. As we all know that Telegram messenger has always focused more on its security and speed than any other features. This Version of Telegram Desktop is 1.4.2 and the developer’s team has solved some of the older bugs and updated its UI so that users have a better experience using it.

In the recent update, many existing Bugs has been fixed and has done minor improvements in the UI which is really an interesting thing.

Telegram Desktop 1.4.2 Released

According to sources (reddit), its been heard that Telegram Desktop 1.4.2 has removed the “Search chat by name” Shortcut from Mac version. Before in the previous version of Telegram Desktop, it was possible to use the shortcut “CMD + K” to open a dialogue window that allowed us to enter a text and open the found chat directly. But this behaviour has been stopped in Telegram Desktop 1.4.2 on Mac, as it now opens the “Create Link” dialogue. However, the new version is really very exciting to use.

You can update the latest Telegram Desktop Version Here:

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